Senin, 04 April 2016

IBM goes outside the company for a new chief digital officer

Bob Lord, the former AOL president whose ascent to AOL CEO was derailed by the sale to Verizon, is returning to his Razorfish digital roots and taking the reins of digital at IBM.

In an indication of the time we are in, the news was first broken on Twitter, by IBM’s David Kenny:

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Arik Hesseldahl reports,

In a statement circulated to IBM employees, the company said Lord will “accelerate and scale all aspects of IBM’s digital presence, operations and ecosystem,” and will run its its digital platform, digital sales and marketing and its developer ecosystem.

Chief Digital Officers are often called in to create a digital transformation, not just running digital operations. I guess it’s clear that IBM needs such a transformation, in order to get more agile in just about the most rapidly shifting market in the world: enterprise technologies.

I’m going to have to try to connect with Lord, and see what his charter actually is.

originally posted on


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